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Garland Bock
Garland Bock
Bock and Sarah's daughter
Bock and Sarah's daughter 
Mollie Conley Dalton with her husband Reese Dalton and Pooche

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Hi Vauida, this photo is from myself, either I sent it to you or to your father, and where I got the photo was from Eloise Workman was was married to Bill Workman, Mollie Conley Dalton stayed with these two till she passed away. Bill was a grand son of Mollies and Reece Dalton. Mrs. Adams was Jane Dalton Adams. She was daughter of James and Jane Workman Dalton. And sister to Causby DAlton who married Thoams Conley, Mary Polly Prat Dalton who was mother of Reece Dalton, Sarah Dalton who was married to Garland Conley, Malinda Dalton mar. to John S. Nester, Peter Dalton mar. to Sophia Bryant Evaline Hall Jones Minnie Stollings McNeely, Moses Dalton mar to America Thompson.
Dinah McCloud | | April 13, 2014